The Center for Disease Control groups water fluoridation with immunizations, understanding tobacco as a health hazard, and motor vehicle safety in the list of the “ten greatest public health achievements in the 20th century”. At the same time many organizations tell Americans that fluoride is poison and that we are being “medicated by force”. What is the truth? At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we are committed to public education about oral health and other issues in dentistry. Today we will tackle fluoride by reviewing some of the myths and the facts. Our hope is to answer and clarify many of the questions and uncertainties. We hope you enjoy!
The Fluoride Controversy – Is Fluoride Beneficial or Detrimental? Dental Facts About Fluoride
March 29, 2015
Childhood Caries: Dental Decay is a Real Problem
March 17, 2015
Do you have children? If so, have you spent the time to properly educate yourself about your children’s teeth? At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry we dedicate ourselves to the education of everyone within reach about oral health issues. We utilize our blog as a method to provide that education. Feel free to visit our past blog topics to learn more about a variety of oral health topics. Today we would like to discuss childhood caries.
The Ideal Dental Diet
June 21, 2014
Caries, which is the medical term for tooth decay, can be caused by many factors.
Caries essential is a progressive destruction of tooth surface caused by the demineralization of teeth. Genetics, shape of teeth and gums, and diet are among the large contributing factors. The diet is the factor that is most in our control. Most everyone has heard that drinks high in sugar and candy can “rot your teeth”. For those that have wondered if there is more to it we wanted to provide some guidelines.