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How to Properly Brush and Floss; This May Change Your Oral Health Forever

February 22, 2015

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 9:48 pm

Did your dentist is hygienist teach you how to brush and floss? If you are like the majority of Americans, the answer is probably no. Brushing and flossing techniques, if learned by instruction at all have traditionally been passed down from parents or caregivers. The problem is that most people have been taught incorrectly. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we strive to educate all within reach about oral health issues. As a result, we routinely post educational blog topics. Feel free to read more in our past blogs!


How to Teach Your Children Proper Oral Health Habits

September 21, 2014

Filed under: Children's Dentist — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 12:27 am

At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we are dedicated to educating the residents of Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville Beach, Atlantic Beach, Nocatee, and Palm Valley not only with excellent dental care but also with oral health education.

Did you know that most adults have never been educated on the proper methods to brushing and flossing? Several months back we posted a blog that detailed exactly how to properly brush. Why has that education never been provided?  First, it was not until the 1940’s that Charles C. Bass began to study brushing and created the Bass method.  Before then, even dentists did not have a great grasp on how to properly brush.


Are Powered Toothbrushes Better Than Manual?

March 1, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 1:19 am

If you were to visit Oral B or Phillip’s websites you would find that they under no uncertain terms state that the powered toothbrushes are more effective than manually brushing.  This is not surprising.  Many manufacturers of products claim to be the champions of that industry.  You can find the “best” diets, Airborne claims to fight off colds, and Audiomason’s speakers are 200,000% more eco-friendly than your home speakers.  We feel that it is beneficial to provide you with an analysis of the powered toothbrushes with data to back it up. (more…)

Have You Been Brushing Your Teeth Incorrectly?

January 29, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — pontevedra @ 1:34 am

Do You Brush Your Teeth Correctly?  Maybe Not     

Many adults have been brushing incorrectly for their entire lives and have no idea that they are doing it wrong. In a study it was found that proper oral hygiene training resulted in a 50% reduction in plaque scores after only 3 months of active therapy.(DeVore et al., 1990)What does this mean? Many adults are practicing improper oral hygiene methods. (more…)