In our blog this week, we want to teach you about the importance of infant oral health care. In the past, many people believed that baby teeth were not important because adult teeth eventually replaced them. Recent research suggests that baby teeth are important contributors to the health and function of the adult dentition. The American Dental Association currently recommends that children see a dentist by the time their first tooth erupts or before they turn 1 year old, whichever event happens first. Once the first tooth erupts, it is important to maintain the health of the dentition with dental visits every 6 months. If a child has turned 1 and does not have any teeth yet, it is important for that child to visit the dentist to ensure that dental development is taking place normally.
Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry Blog
Children’s Dentistry: The First Three Years
January 19, 2016
Five Common Misconceptions About Dental Implants
January 6, 2016
Our blog of the week will focus on dental implants and the common myths and misconceptions associated with them. Most patients have multiple questions when it comes to dental implants, and we are here today to focus on some of the most important questions and concerns that patients present with. The Institute for Dental Implant Awareness has published multiple patient guides related to dental implants, surgical, and restorative procedures. Most of the articles contain some confusing dental jargon that may be difficult for patients to understand. Today, we would like to address some of the most common misconceptions related to dental implants so that you can make an informed and educated decision when you decide to have dental implant treatment completed for you or for any of your family members.
Implants Can Improve Your Denture-Wearing Experience!
December 31, 2015
We are here today to talk about the ways that dental implant technology can be used to vastly improve the denture-wearing experience. As adults age and lose their teeth, it becomes more difficult for them to speak, chew, and eat like they were able to when they had natural teeth. Many adults choose to have dentures made to replace the missing teeth and increase quality of life. Complete dentures, however, are not as functional as natural teeth are and many adults experience frustration as they try to adapt to living with dentures. The American Academy of Prosthodontists has seen vast improvements in dental implant technology in recent years, particularly when it comes to replacing the entire dentition. Implants can now be used effectively to improve the fit and comfort of complete dentures. Today, we would like to explain the ways that this technology may be beneficial for you or for some of your older family members. Many people are unaware that there is a better solution than dentures when it comes to replacing missing teeth.
What Are The Dangers Of Neglecting Your Oral Health?
November 17, 2015
Today we are going to talk about some or the real dangers to your systemic health that can be adversely affected by poor oral hygiene. According to the American Dental Association, there are multiple systemic diseases that can affect the mouth and many common life-threatening diseases have been found to be associated with poor oral health. Most people know that poor oral hygiene can have adverse effects on the mouth, leading to bad breath, gum disease, cavities, tooth abscesses and infections, and the loss of teeth. But did you know that neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to more serious complications that affect your overall health? It is important to be screened for cavities, periodontal disease, and oral cancer at least every 6 months at your dental office. If you have any of these conditions, it is extremely important to treat them in a timely manner so that systemic complications can be prevented. It is also important for you to regularly visit your dental office so that preventative measures can be taken to encourage a healthy mouth and a healthy body.
Smile Design: Can You Have The Smile You Always Wanted?
November 9, 2015
We are here this week to talk about a dental topic that has been increasing in popularity in recent years—how to obtain the perfect smile. Many patients visit our dental office with the common goal of attaining that “Hollywood Smile.” Perfect teeth can mean drastically different things to different people, however, and our goal is to help our patients achieve their individual goals when it comes to getting the look that they desire. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Americans place an extremely high value on the smile. Over 99% of surveyed adults believe that a nice smile is an important social aspect and a slightly smaller percentage believe that an attractive smile can make a person appear more attractive to members of the opposite sex. We want to help you achieve the smile of your dreams so that you can appear more attractive, youthful, successful and confident.
Is All Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry? You May Be Surprised!
October 15, 2015
Our blog topic of the week is cosmetic dentistry and we are here to dispel a common myth that many people may believe—all dentistry is cosmetic dentistry. In recent years, the increasing demands for a perfect, “Hollywood” smile have led many Americans to seek out dental treatment that is considered cosmetic in nature. Traditionally, general dentists have had the overarching goal of improving the health or functionality of a patient’s dentition. However, with increasing demands for dental work that is designed to improve upon appearances, many dentists have started to treat patients cosmetically. (more…)
Crowns In One Day And How They Can Benefit You
September 16, 2015
In our blog entry today we are going to talk about an incredible technological advance that has taken place in dentistry in recent years—crowns in one day. According to the American Dental Association, huge strides have been made in the past few years which utilize digital dental technology for clinical applications. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we are dedicated to our patients and one of our primary goals is to keep our patients up to date on the latest dental technology and capabilities. One way that we educate our patients is with our blog. If you would like to read more about the crowns in one day that we offer, please visit the services section of our website. If you are interested in having dental crowns made using the latest dental technology, please feel free to contact us at any time electronically, schedule an appointment consultation here, or call (904)285-7711. We hope that you are as excited as we are about this awesome new technology and that you will learn something interesting from the article today.
The Oral Hygiene Guide: How to Properly Brush, Is Flossing Necessary? Oral Health Diet, and More!
In recent years, dentists have really stepped up oral health education. Blogs, pamphlets, and magazine articles have given curious patients a terrific amount of information to digest. That said, we could always do better. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, one of our goals is to provide oral health and dental education to everyone within reach. Our blog serves as a great venue for this education. Today we felt compelled to provide a condensed guide to all things oral health. If you have questions, feel free to contact us any time electronically or call us at (904)285-7711.
Pediatric Dentistry: Establishing a Positive Child-Dentist Relationship at an Early Age
September 1, 2015
We are here today to talk about the importance of establishing a positive relationship between your child and their dentist at an early age. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the recommended age that a child should first see a dentist is before their first birthday. We like to recommend that our patients bring their children to the dentist when their first tooth comes in or by their first birthday—whichever comes first. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we are committed to our patients and want them to feel as comfortable as possible, no matter how young they are. We are also dedicated to educating our patients on some of the most important topics related to the field of dentistry. One way that we continually educate our patients is with our blog. Today, we are going to answer some frequently asked questions about children’s oral health and also provide some tips on supporting your child during their dental appointments. We hope that you find this blog entry useful and informative. If you still have unanswered questions, however, please feel free to contact us at any time electronically or call (904)285-7711.
Essential Information About Headaches, Jaw, Facial, and TMJ Pain: Do You Suffer?
August 29, 2015
Do you or someone you love suffer from jaw pain, headaches, facial pain, or pain in the jaw joints (TMJ)? At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, education about dentistry and oral health topics is important to us. Our blog serves as a wonderful venue for this education. Today we would like to discuss pain. While this is not meant to be all encompassing, it could be useful as a starting point to help those that suffer. If you have further questions or would like to discuss your particular situation, feel free to contact us any time!