If you’ve suffered from tooth loss and are seeking replacements, you could potentially benefit from dental implants. Many providers consider these artificial teeth the ideal way to rebuild your smile because they’re the only ones surgically inserted into your jawbone. As a result, they provide many unique advantages over alternatives like dentures or dental bridges.
However, not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure, so you must consult your dentist before you can move forward. This appointment is also the perfect time to ask questions about your treatment, like what the final results will look and feel like. With that in mind, keep reading to learn more about what to expect from your dental implants!
What Do Dental Implants Feel Like?
Although dental implants come highly recommended by many experts in the field, it’s natural to want to know what they’ll feel like so you can make an informed decision about your oral health. You might hesitate to undergo the procedure if you’re worried it will hurt or have too many potential complications.
It might set your mind at ease to know that these replacement teeth have a success rate of more than 95%, even up to 10 years after their initial placement. While the surgery does come with the risk of infection, as most do, following your dentist’s post-op instructions can prevent potential problems in most cases. It’s normal to experience mild to moderate aches and inflammation after your appointment as the anesthetic wears off, but this usually fades over the next 3 to 5 days.
After your initial recovery, your dental implant will function like a natural tooth, and you will likely not feel any difference.
What Do Dental Implants Look Like?
If you’re worried your dental implants will stick out like a sore thumb, you can set your concerns aside. Although the support rod is made of metal, the prosthetic that sits above your gumline is customized to be just the right shade, shape, and size to match your natural teeth. These restorations are usually made of tooth-colored porcelain that reflects light like enamel for seamless results. Plus, it’s less porous than the pearly whites you were born with, so it’s not as likely to become discolored or sustain an injury.
That said, you may need to minimize your consumption of dark foods and drinks because your artificial won’t stain as quickly as their neighbors. If this becomes an issue, you can switch to whitening toothpaste or consult with your dentist about cosmetic treatments to even out their tone.
Though there are many potential ways to restore your smile, dental implants look and behave the most like the pearly whites you’ve lost!
About the Practice
At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, you and your family benefit from two skilled dentists with 40+ years of combined experience. Dr. Harth and Dr. Townsend work together to offer a wide range of services from one convenient location to streamline your oral care needs. They understand that dental problems can impact your overall quality of life and take the time to get to know your unique concerns and goals so they can create individualized treatment plans to address them. Then, they utilize state-of-the-art equipment to help you feel comfortable while providing accurate, long-lasting results. If you’re considering dental implants, you can request a consultation on the website or call (904) 285-7711.