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Why Do Teeth Stain? Your Cosmetic Dentist in Ponte Vedra Beach Knows

April 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — pontevedra @ 11:25 pm

A woman thinking.We’ve all had it happen at one point or another. You’re going to the bathroom and as you’re washing your hands, you check your teeth for pieces of food or other issues in your smile. In this case, you notice strange discolorations that you didn’t have before. “What is causing this?” You’re wondering.

If you notice these discolorations throughout your day, you may want to visit your cosmetic dentist in Ponte Vedra Beach to get them removed.

How Do Teeth Stain?

When trying to remove teeth stains, it’s important you recognize what kind of stain it is you’re dealing with. Teeth stains are generally put into two categories: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic stains appear only on the surface of your teeth because of stain particles building up in the protein film that covers tooth enamel. Thankfully, these stains are the easiest to remove and can be done so throughout your day. This can be through brushing, using a whitening mouthwash or chewing gum to stimulate saliva production. However, you’ll need to do it before the stains set in, which causes the discoloration to occur.

Intrinsic stains are trickier to remove and require more attention. Stain-causing particles get through the exterior of teeth and cause discoloration inside tooth enamel. Intrinsic staining can also occur when tooth enamel has worn down and caused the dentin layer of your teeth to be exposed, giving it a yellow or brownish tint.

What Causes Teeth to Stain?

Extrinsic stains are caused by the foods you eat on a regular basis and your habits. A few of the most common culprits include:

  • Coffee
  • Dark teas
  • Red wine
  • Foods with dark pigmentations (i.e. berries, mustard, tomato sauce,)
  • Tobacco

Additionally, staining can vary depending on the level of acidity of the foods you eat. For example, coffee and wine are particularly more acidic than other foods.

However, many intrinsic stains are difficult to avoid if they’re a result of aging, overexposure to fluoride or medications you may be taking. For these stains, more intense bleaching agents will be needed.

How Can My Cosmetic Dentist Help?

Your dentist in Ponte Vedra Beach offers two main treatments for improving the overall appearance of your smile. They include take-home whitening kits and single-visit in-office whitening. Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, these products use professional-grade ingredients, so you know that you’re getting the best whitening possible. This is particularly important if you want to remove intrinsic stains.

Take-home kits are custom-fitted trays designed to hold whitening agents against your teeth, promoting a good environment for teeth whitening. They come in multiple strengths and take anywhere from a few days to a couple weeks to reach peak results.

Alternatively, you can get a quick boost of whitening with in-office whitening. This whitens teeth in only one hour, which is great if you have an event coming up where you want to look your best or you don’t have the time to make dental visits often.

Want to see which whitening treatment is right for you? Schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Ponte Vedra Beach today!

About the Author

Dr. Eric L. Townsend earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry. He’s also a member of the ADA, the Beaches Study Club, the Dawson Academy Alumni Association, and many other dental organizations. To learn more about teeth whitening or about his practice, contact him at (904) 285-7711 or visit his website.

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