When you think of braces, most likely you are thinking about teenagers. Most people who have had braces have had them during these years. This is a great time to have teeth altered. The permanent teeth have just come in and it is often good to get it over with so straight teeth can be maintained for years to come. The invention of Invisalign; however, has created a paradigm shift in orthodontics. Now adults of any age can obtain straight healthy looking teeth and do so easily. At Ponte Vedra Complete Dentistry, we are dedicated to educating Ponte Vedra and surrounding communities about oral health. Feel free to check out our past blog posts for more information!
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a cosmetic dentistry orthodontic system designed to correct minor to moderate dental misalignments without the drawbacks of traditional dentures. The system is a series of clear liners that are worn over the teeth. As the teeth shift into the desired position, new liners are placed that allow for the gradual change. The result is beautiful straight teeth and the process is easy.
What are the Benefits of Invisalign Over Traditional Dentures?
There are many ways that Invisalign can benefit over traditional dentures. The benefits lead more and more adults to utilize this technology. First, the liners are clear so they often are undetectable in conversation. Second, the liners can be removed entirely for cleaning. The metal brackets and bars of traditional dentures are difficult to clean around and that leads to permanent discoloration on the tooth surface. Third, no painful wire tightening appointments are necessary with Invisalign. Finally, since the liners are removed at mealtime, there are no dietary restrictions. Eating cheese puffs with traditional dentures can show in conversation for hours to come.
Is it Ever Too Late for Braces?
When asked this question, an orthodontist replied “It is never too late for a man or a woman to become more kissable”. While this was said in good humor, the fact is that age is not a contraindication for braces. Many older adults are on multiple medications that could potentially complicate treatment but your dentist can tell you for sure if you are a candidate for treatment.